onsdag 19. september 2007

The first table

Hand #7 isn't very exciting. This was the first hand I was really involved in. I noticed that "Aces" limped and drew 1 card. Then he put in a bet when checked to after the draw. There is a possibility that he had a busted draw. I gave him credit and folded aces, but I might not fold next time...

*********** # 7 **************
PokerStars Game #12111404261: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level I (20/40) - 2007/09/17 - 14:33:55 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1490 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1520 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1470 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (1410 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (1580 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1530 in chips)
Coolhands: posts small blind 10
Hero: posts big blind 20
Dealt to Hero [3d Td Kc Qh 4d]
Eightsorworse: calls 20
Acesgotya: calls 20
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: calls 10
Hero: checks
Coolhands: discards 3 cards
Hero: discards 3 cards [3d Td 4d]
Dealt to Hero [Kc Qh] [5d Ac Ah]
Eightsorworse: discards 3 cards
Acesgotya: discards 1 card
Coolhands: checks
Hero: checks
Eightsorworse: checks
Acesgotya: bets 40
Coolhands: folds
Hero: folds
Eightsorworse: folds
Acesgotya collected 80 from pot

Hand #14 isn't too exciting either. Aces has limped in a lot, so I probably have him beat. I'm fairly sure that Bull has a better hand than me, though.

*********** # 14 **************
PokerStars Game #12111477423: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level I (20/40) - 2007/09/17 - 14:37:52 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1460 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1370 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1590 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (1430 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (1540 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1610 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 10
Eightsorworse: posts big blind 20
Dealt to Hero [Ks Ah Kh 9c Qs]
Acesgotya: calls 20
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: raises 20 to 40
Coolhands: folds
Hero: folds
Eightsorworse: calls 20
Acesgotya: calls 20
Eightsorworse: discards 3 cards
Acesgotya: discards 1 card
Bulletsbaby: stands pat
Eightsorworse: checks
Acesgotya: checks
Bulletsbaby: bets 40
Eightsorworse: calls 40
Acesgotya: folds
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Bulletsbaby: shows [Js 2s As 3s 8s] (a flush, Ace high)
Eightsorworse: mucks hand
Bulletsbaby collected 210 from pot

I might have made a mistake in hand #15. Doublemeup seemed like a player that was capable of raising with a pair from early position, so I decided to get involved. The right play might be to reraise, and probably fold if someone caps the betting. Both blinds decided to call the single raise, and I learned that my two pair had been the best hand before the draw. This hand confirmed that Aces played extremely loose (calling and drawing 4). I didn't think that I could beat his hand post-draw after his bet, and when Doublemeup called I just dumped it. The fold might be borderline, because Doublemeup might auto-call a bet(from someone drawing four) with an unimproved pair.

*********** # 15 **************
PokerStars Game #12111490138: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level I (20/40) - 2007/09/17 - 14:38:33 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1590 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1370 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1580 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (1350 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (1500 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1610 in chips)
Eightsorworse: posts small blind 10
Acesgotya: posts big blind 20
Dealt to Hero [6h Ts 6c Qd Th]
Doublemeup: raises 20 to 40
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: calls 40
Eightsorworse: calls 30
Acesgotya: calls 20
Eightsorworse: discards 3 cards
Acesgotya: discards 4 cards
Doublemeup: discards 3 cards
Hero: discards 1 card [Qd]
Dealt to Hero [6h Ts 6c Th] [Ah]
Eightsorworse: checks
Acesgotya: bets 40
Doublemeup: calls 40
Hero: folds
Eightsorworse: calls 40
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Acesgotya: shows [Ks Jd 2h Kh Js] (two pair, Kings and Jacks)
Doublemeup: mucks hand
Eightsorworse: mucks hand
Acesgotya collected 280 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 280 Rake 0
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Coolhands folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Hero (button) folded after the Draw
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (small blind) mucked [5c 2c 5s 8h 8d]
Seat 5: Acesgotya (big blind) showed [Ks Jd 2h Kh Js] and won (280) with two pair, Kings and Jacks
Seat 6: Doublemeup mucked [Qh Qc 7h 3h 5d]

Hand 25. No comments...

*********** # 25 **************
PokerStars Game #12111627385: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level II (30/60) - 2007/09/17 - 14:46:03 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1435 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1220 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1555 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (1115 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2270 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1405 in chips)
Coolhands: posts small blind 15
Hero: posts big blind 30
Dealt to Hero [Ah As 5d 2h 6c]
Eightsorworse: folds
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: raises 30 to 60
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: calls 45
Hero: calls 30
Coolhands: discards 1 card
Hero: discards 3 cards [5d 2h 6c]
Dealt to Hero [Ah As] [6h 3h 3c]
Doublemeup: discards 3 cards
Coolhands: bets 60
Hero: calls 60
Doublemeup: folds
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Coolhands: shows [Kh Ks Kd 9d 9c] (a full house, Kings full of Nines)
Hero: mucks hand
Coolhands collected 300 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 300 Rake 0
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (button) folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Coolhands (small blind) showed [Kh Ks Kd 9d 9c] and won (300) with a full house, Kings full of Nines
Seat 3: Hero (big blind) mucked [Ah As 6h 3h 3c]
Seat 4: Eightsorworse folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Acesgotya folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 6: Doublemeup folded after the Draw

I'd just dump this hand if I was sure that one of the limpers had me beat, but it was possible that Aces had some crap and Double was on a draw. I got that confirmed at showdown. How can I be sitting at this table without raking in a bunch of chips already?

*********** # 32 **************
PokerStars Game #12111707046: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level II (30/60) - 2007/09/17 - 14:50:14 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1540 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1355 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1390 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (1100 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2255 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1360 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 15
Eightsorworse: posts big blind 30
Dealt to Hero [Tc Td 6d 7h Ah]
Acesgotya: calls 30
Doublemeup: calls 30
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: calls 15
Eightsorworse: checks
Hero: discards 3 cards [6d 7h Ah]
Dealt to Hero [Tc Td] [Jc 5h 9d]
Eightsorworse: discards 1 card
Acesgotya: discards 3 cards
Doublemeup: discards 1 card
Hero: checks
Eightsorworse: checks
Acesgotya: checks
Doublemeup: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Hero: shows [Tc Td Jc 5h 9d] (a pair of Tens)
Eightsorworse: mucks hand
Acesgotya: mucks hand
Doublemeup: mucks hand
Hero collected 120 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 120 Rake 0
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Coolhands (button) folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Hero (small blind) showed [Tc Td Jc 5h 9d] and won (120) with a pair of Tens
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (big blind) mucked [7s 4s 9s 6c As]
Seat 5: Acesgotya mucked [Ad 7d 2h 5d 7c]
Seat 6: Doublemeup mucked [Qd Jh Ts 5c 9h]

I checked after the draw in hand #41 with the intention of calling a bet. Because of some earlier plays and frequent betting after the draw, I thought that Aces might be a bluffer. I gave him a chance to bluff. The check from Aces gave me some valuable information. I'm afraid that I didn't really take advantage of this information later in the tournament. That might have saved me some chips from borderline calls.

*********** # 41 **************
PokerStars Game #12111818732: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level III (50/100) - 2007/09/17 - 14:56:08 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1495 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1440 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1700 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (920 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2075 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1370 in chips)
Doublemeup: posts small blind 25
Bulletsbaby: posts big blind 50
Dealt to Hero [9c 5h 5c 9d 8d]
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 50 to 100
Eightsorworse: folds
Acesgotya: calls 100
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: folds
Hero: discards 1 card [8d]
Dealt to Hero [9c 5h 5c 9d] [Td]
Acesgotya: discards 3 cards
Hero: checks
Acesgotya: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Hero: shows [9c 5h 5c 9d Td] (two pair, Nines and Fives)
Acesgotya: mucks hand
Hero collected 275 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 275 Rake 0
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (big blind) folded before the Draw
Seat 2: Coolhands folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Hero showed [9c 5h 5c 9d Td] and won (275) with two pair, Nines and Fives
Seat 4: Eightsorworse folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (button) mucked [Jc 8h Js 2s Ac]
Seat 6: Doublemeup (small blind) folded before the Draw

Here's my first real bluff in the tournament. I guess "Eights" had the better hand of my opponents, so the bet after the draw resembles a squeeze play.

*********** # 45 **************
PokerStars Game #12111865854: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level III (50/100) - 2007/09/17 - 14:58:40 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1270 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1990 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1800 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (720 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (1875 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1345 in chips)
Eightsorworse: posts small blind 25
Acesgotya: posts big blind 50
Dealt to Hero [6h 8c 6c Qc Tc]
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 50 to 100
Eightsorworse: calls 75
Acesgotya: calls 50
Eightsorworse: discards 3 cards
Acesgotya: discards 4 cards
Hero: discards 1 card [6h]
Dealt to Hero [8c 6c Qc Tc] [8h]
Eightsorworse: checks
Acesgotya: checks
Hero: bets 100
Eightsorworse: folds
Acesgotya: folds
Hero collected 300 from pot
Hero: doesn't show hand

I didn't get any good cards for the next 15 hands, so I just folded all of them predraw. I got a free play from BB on #61, but had q high after the draw and folded. I finally got a decent hand, but had to fold it after committing some chips:

*********** # 65 **************
PokerStars Game #12112107312: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level IV (100/200) - 2007/09/17 - 15:10:02 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1245 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1865 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1500 in chips)
Seat 4: Eightsorworse (370 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2725 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1295 in chips)
Doublemeup: posts small blind 50
Bulletsbaby: posts big blind 100
Dealt to Hero [Ks 5d 7c 6c Kh]
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 100 to 200
Eightsorworse: raises 100 to 300
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: raises 100 to 400
Betting is capped
Bulletsbaby: folds
Hero: folds
Eightsorworse: calls 70 and is all-in
Doublemeup: discards 3 cards
Eightsorworse: discards 3 cards
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Doublemeup: shows [3h Ac Qd 8s Ah] (a pair of Aces)
Eightsorworse: shows [8h 5h Qc 9h 8c] (a pair of Eights)
Doublemeup collected 1040 from pot

When Doublemeup capped the betting, I put him on a big hand. I didn't think that kings up would be good, so I folded quickly. When he drew three cards, I realized that he was much more aggressive than I anticipated. I also think that it's a fold with aces in that situation, even if it worked for him this time. I didn't bother to think about the play from the shortstack. It's not a good play, but he busted out so I'm focusing on the other players instead.

A pair of aces was good enough in hand #67, so I won my first hand since #45. I got myself into more "trouble" in hand #68. This is the kind of situation where I'm not sure if folding, calling or raising is the best play. The pot odds and implied odds seemed to justify a call. It helped a bit that False was playing quite passively, but I didn't notice that until later. Bull had been limping in quite a bit from late position. This either meant some loose calls, or very passive play. I might win the pot with a pair of queens:

*********** # 68 **************
PokerStars Game #12112140065: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level IV (100/200) - 2007/09/17 - 15:11:34 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (995 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1865 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1450 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1850 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2725 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1965 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 50
Falsecardedu: posts big blind 100
Dealt to Hero [Qc Th 5c 8c 2c]
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: calls 100
Coolhands: folds
Hero: calls 50
Falsecardedu: checks
Hero: discards 1 card [Th]
Dealt to Hero [Qc 5c 8c 2c] [5h]
Falsecardedu: discards 3 cards
Bulletsbaby: discards 3 cards
Hero: checks
Falsecardedu: checks
Bulletsbaby: bets 200
Hero: folds
Falsecardedu: folds
Bulletsbaby collected 300 from pot
Bulletsbaby: doesn't show hand

I tried to take down the blinds from the button in the next hand (#69). It didn't work, and I'm not sure about my call after the draw. I think I still suspected that Aces was bluffing quite a bit. Maybe I should have folded based on the information I received in hand #41. I'm not sure if Aces held KKQ or KKK. None of the choices seems like logical play (combined with the action), but I should probably assume that he is liable to smooth call with big hands predraw.

*********** # 69 **************
PokerStars Game #12112161620: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level IV (100/200) - 2007/09/17 - 15:12:36 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1195 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1865 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1350 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1750 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2725 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1965 in chips)
Falsecardedu: posts small blind 50
Acesgotya: posts big blind 100
Dealt to Hero [6c Qc 9h 8d 6d]
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 100 to 200
Falsecardedu: calls 150
Acesgotya: calls 100
Falsecardedu: discards 3 cards
Acesgotya: discards 2 cards
Hero: discards 3 cards [Qc 9h 8d]
Dealt to Hero [6c 6d] [7h Ts Tc]
Falsecardedu: checks
Acesgotya: bets 200
Hero: calls 200
Falsecardedu: folds
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Acesgotya: shows [Kc Kh Ks 4s Qs] (three of a kind, Kings)
Hero: mucks hand
Acesgotya collected 1000 from pot

In hand #77, it bacame obvious that Aces likes to slowplay now and then. I just can't imagine that he would draw two cards to eights and a small kicker. I think I was a little allerted when he drew two cards. I really think that I could have check-folded this hand after the draw. Aces hadn't been caught bluffing so far, so I should probably assume that he can beat two small pairs here.

*********** # 77 **************
PokerStars Game #12112260153: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level IV (100/200) - 2007/09/17 - 15:17:25 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (1045 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1865 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (950 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1650 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (3025 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (2315 in chips)
Doublemeup: posts small blind 50
Bulletsbaby: posts big blind 100
Dealt to Hero [7h Qs 7c Tc Td]
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 100 to 200
Falsecardedu: folds
Acesgotya: calls 200
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: folds
Hero: discards 1 card [Qs]
Dealt to Hero [7h 7c Tc Td] [2d]
Acesgotya: discards 2 cards
Hero: checks
Acesgotya: bets 200
Hero: calls 200
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Acesgotya: shows [8s 4c 5d 8c 8h] (three of a kind, Eights)
Hero: mucks hand
Acesgotya collected 950 from pot

Ten hands later, I risked my remaining chips without a great hand:

*********** # 87 **************
PokerStars Game #12112367903: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level V (150/300) - 2007/09/17 - 15:22:51 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (895 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (1190 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (550 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1500 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (3475 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (3240 in chips)
Falsecardedu: posts small blind 75
Acesgotya: posts big blind 150
Dealt to Hero [Jh 6h 7d 5d Jd]
Doublemeup: folds
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 150 to 300
Falsecardedu: folds
Acesgotya: calls 150
Acesgotya: discards 2 cards
Hero: discards 3 cards [6h 7d 5d]
Dealt to Hero [Jh Jd] [Ks 7h 7s]
Acesgotya: checks
Hero: bets 250 and is all-in
Acesgotya: folds
Hero collected 675 from pot
Hero: doesn't show hand

Hands 69 and 77 were quite similar, and this hand is extremely similar to hand #15. I'm giving Aces good odds to outdraw me, and he happily calls with a pair. Reraise preflop is probably better, but he might call with nines anyway. The only good thing is that he failed to get more chips into the pot after the draw. He couldn't fold 99 on hand #99 now, could he?

*********** # 99 **************
PokerStars Game #12112646801: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level VI (200/400) - 2007/09/17 - 15:37:02 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby (670 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (2140 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1300 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1525 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2500 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (2715 in chips)
Falsecardedu: posts small blind 100
Acesgotya: posts big blind 200
Dealt to Hero [5c Kc 5s Jh Jc]
Doublemeup: raises 200 to 400
Bulletsbaby: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: calls 400
Falsecardedu: folds
Acesgotya: calls 200
Acesgotya: discards 3 cards
Doublemeup: discards 2 cards
Hero: discards 1 card [Kc]
Dealt to Hero [5c 5s Jh Jc] [Ac]
Acesgotya: checks
Doublemeup: checks
Hero: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Acesgotya: shows [9s 9d 9c 7d 2d] (three of a kind, Nines)
Doublemeup: mucks hand
Hero: mucks hand
Acesgotya collected 1300 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1300 Rake 0
Seat 1: Bulletsbaby folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Coolhands folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Hero (button) mucked [5c Ac 5s Jh Jc]
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (small blind) folded before the Draw
Seat 5: Acesgotya (big blind) showed [9s 9d 9c 7d 2d] and won (1300) with three of a kind, Nines
Seat 6: Doublemeup mucked [Qc As 4c Qh 3s]

I noticed that False had been playing quite conservatively, so I attacked his blinds on several occasions. When he called me here, I thought that he had a pretty big pair. I decided that he might be eager to snap off a bluff from me. I checked, but I think I might have had some fold equity against TT and that kind of hands. Maybe I should have bluffed to try to avoid showing my hand.

*********** # 114 **************
PokerStars Game #12112794710: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level VI (200/400) - 2007/09/17 - 15:44:48 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Goinallout (1050 in chips)
Seat 2: Coolhands (2340 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1300 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (2095 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2800 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1715 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 100
Falsecardedu: posts big blind 200
Dealt to Hero [4s 4h Qc 3c 5c]
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: folds
Goinallout: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 200 to 400
Falsecardedu: calls 200
Hero: discards 3 cards [Qc 3c 5c]
Dealt to Hero [4s 4h] [6c 5s As]
Falsecardedu: discards 3 cards
Hero: checks
Falsecardedu: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Hero: shows [4s 4h 6c 5s As] (a pair of Fours)
Falsecardedu: shows [Td Tc 4c 3h 9h] (a pair of Tens)
Falsecardedu collected 800 from pot

Maybe False realized that he was being bullied. I might have enough to call the reraise since the pot odds are ok and he might be playing back at me without a monster hand. With the aggressive play predraw, I figured that False had a hand that he would bet with after the draw, so I decided to check raise. I hoped he would think this was another attempt from me to bully him. He folded, even though he only had a little more than one big bet left in his stack.

*********** # 120 **************
PokerStars Game #12112851073: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level VI (200/400) - 2007/09/17 - 15:47:48 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Goinallout (1650 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: Coolhands (1240 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (1500 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (3095 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2500 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1315 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 100
Falsecardedu: posts big blind 200
Dealt to Hero [7s 9h 9c 2s 6h]
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: folds
Goinallout: folds
Coolhands: folds
Hero: raises 200 to 400
Falsecardedu: raises 200 to 600
Hero: calls 200
Hero: discards 3 cards [7s 2s 6h]
Dealt to Hero [9h 9c] [Js 9d Jc]
Falsecardedu: discards 1 card
Hero: checks
Falsecardedu: bets 400
Hero: raises 400 to 800
Falsecardedu: folds
Hero collected 2000 from pot
Hero: doesn't show hand

I'm wondering if my opponent limped in with KK or AK in hand #125:

*********** # 125 **************
PokerStars Game #12112889150: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level VII (300/600) - 2007/09/17 - 15:49:52 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Goinallout (1200 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: Coolhands (940 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (2500 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1945 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2950 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (1765 in chips)
Coolhands: posts small blind 150
Hero: posts big blind 300
Dealt to Hero [5d 6s 7c Qh Jd]
Falsecardedu: folds
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: folds
Goinallout: folds
Coolhands: calls 150
Hero: checks
Coolhands: discards 3 cards
Hero: discards 3 cards [5d 6s 7c]
Dealt to Hero [Qh Jd] [Qd Jh 2d]
Coolhands: checks
Hero: bets 600
Coolhands: raises 40 to 640 and is all-in
Hero: calls 40
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Coolhands: shows [Kc 8c 6c Ks Ad] (a pair of Kings)
Hero: shows [Qd Jh 2d Qh Jd] (two pair, Queens and Jacks)
Hero collected 1880 from pot

Here's one of those hands where I'm not sure if my opponent is just desperately getting his last chips into the middle. I gave him credit this time. Kings is one of the worst hands I can have here anyway:

*********** # 128 **************
PokerStars Game #12112923667: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level VII (300/600) - 2007/09/17 - 15:51:44 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Goinallout (1200 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (3440 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1645 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2650 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (2365 in chips)
Doublemeup: posts small blind 150
Goinallout: posts big blind 300
Dealt to Hero [Kc Qh 4s 9s Ks]
Inforstacks is connected
Hero: raises 300 to 600
Falsecardedu: folds
Acesgotya: folds
Doublemeup: folds
Goinallout: calls 300
Goinallout: discards 3 cards
Hero: discards 3 cards [Qh 4s 9s]
Dealt to Hero [Kc Ks] [9h Tc 5c]
Goinallout: bets 600 and is all-in
Hero: folds
Goinallout collected 1350 from pot
Goinallout: doesn't show hand

I hadn't really seen Aces do a lot of raising predraw, but I still think trip queens is a pretty big favourite against his range of hands:

*********** # 131 **************
PokerStars Game #12112959206: Tournament #61160663, $1.00+$0.10 5 Card
Draw Limit - Level VII (300/600) - 2007/09/17 - 15:53:39 (ET)
Table '61160663 41' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Goinallout (3750 in chips)
Seat 2: Inforstacks (740 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero (2990 in chips)
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (1645 in chips)
Seat 5: Acesgotya (2050 in chips)
Seat 6: Doublemeup (2215 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 150
Falsecardedu: posts big blind 300
Dealt to Hero [Qh Qd Js 3c Qc]
Acesgotya: raises 300 to 600
Doublemeup: folds
Goinallout: folds
Inforstacks: folds
Hero: raises 300 to 900
Falsecardedu: folds
Acesgotya: calls 300
Hero: discards 1 card [Js]
Dealt to Hero [Qh Qd 3c Qc] [9c]
Acesgotya: discards 1 card
Hero: bets 600
Acesgotya: calls 600
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Hero: shows [Qh Qd 9c 3c Qc] (three of a kind, Queens)
Acesgotya: mucks hand
Hero collected 3300 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3300 Rake 0
Seat 1: Goinallout folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Inforstacks (button) folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Hero (small blind) showed [Qh Qd 9c 3c Qc] and won (3300) with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 4: Falsecardedu (big blind) folded before the Draw
Seat 5: Acesgotya mucked [7c 9d 6c 9h 7s]
Seat 6: Doublemeup folded before the Draw (didn't bet)

The table broke up shortly after this hand. Aces had been the most interesting opponent. He had been playing very loose, but managed to get a big stack early. It seemed like he often improved his hands, and I probably called him down a little too often. I had gotten a little lucky on the last couple of hands, while Aces seemed to be running out of luck. The blinds had gotten quite big compared to stack sizes, so it would be important to play aggressively. With a little more luck and some solid play, I might make it into the money.

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